Bike Coach Roxy

Roxy has been a mountainbike guide and coach for over 15 years. Since 2011 the trails of Mallorca are her hometrails. Besides mountainbiking she is also a mental coach in the sport sector. The mission of coaches is to provide location-independent bike coachings that will perfect skills in the long run. With personal feedback the coaching provides premium quality.

Benefits of a digital bikecoaching

Improving mountainbike-skills and online coaching in combination sounds like an impossible thing for you? Here are 6 reasons, why a digital coaching is even better in the long term than a live coaching:

  1. 100% flexibility in time and location

  2. several months of coaching support with unlimited feedback

  3. step-by-step exercises allows you to learn at your own pace

  4. lifelong access to the exercise content

  5. effective learning and longer lasting success

Our Coach Roxy will help to improve your mountainbike skills on your hometrails - according to your time table.

If you want to try your luck, make sure to sign up for the newsletter below and win a MTB-Coaching for yourself and a friend. Good luck!
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